I previously posted about Cassandra UDFs. It is worth reading that post before carrying on as UDAs use UDFs. I’ve also posted about UDAs here and here however these were before they were released and the syntax and the semantics have since changed.
Cassandra is designed to scale via all queries being satisfied by a sequential read of a single partition. Aggregates break that model. So why have they been introduced?
First lets see exactly what Cassandra is giving us. First there are some built in aggregates:
You can take a look at them in o.a.c.cql3.functions.AggregateFcts
Example usage:
CREATE TABLE examples.scores (
id text,
when timeuuid,
player text,
score int,
PRIMARY KEY (id, when)
Then to use the max:
select max(score) FROM examples.scores ;
(1 rows)
Warnings :
Aggregation query used without partition key
What is this warning? We just did an aggregation over an entire table. This will only work for small tables on small clusters. It isn’t a scalable query. We want to restrict our usage of aggregates to within a partition e.g.
select max(score) FROM examples.scores where id = 'GAME1';
(1 rows)
Custom aggregates allow you to reduce a query that returns many rows into a single value.
To do this we need to:
This sounds very complicated, If you’re used to functional languages this can be thought
of as a foldl
with the optional function allowing a final transformation to a
different type.
In CQL this looks like:
State function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION avgState ( state tuple<int,bigint>, val int ) CALLED
ON NULL INPUT RETURNS tuple<int,bigint> LANGUAGE java AS '
if (val != null) {
state.setInt(0, state.getInt(0)+1);
return state;'
Final function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION avgFinal ( state tuple<int,bigint> ) CALLED ON
double r = 0;
if (state.getInt(0) == 0)
return null;
r = state.getLong(1);
r /= state.getInt(0);
return Double.valueOf(r);'
Creating the aggregate:
SFUNC avgState
STYPE tuple<int,bigint>
Of course average already exists so this was a waste of time. The first function
is executed once per row passing a tuple<int, bigint>
along. The initial value
of the state is defined in the aggregate as INITCOND (0,0)
. Once all of the
rows have been processed the final function is executed which converts the state
of tuple<int, bigint>
into the final value of type double
The code you can write inside a UDF and thus either the state or final function of a UDA is quite limited.
Understanding what is going on under the covers will hopefully give you a good idea of when you should use UDAs.
When a query contains a UDA it is still executed as normal:
So the UDA state function is never executed on nodes other than the coordinator. This isn’t map reduce hence why you shouldn’t use UDAs without specifying a partition key. If you do the entire table will need to be transferred to the coordinator, this is likely to put extreme pressure on the coordinator / cause OOMs.
How the state function and final function work is described in a previous
post. The o.a.c.cql3.functions.UDAggregate
brings these
together in a simple interface:
interface Aggregate
public void addInput(int protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> values) throws InvalidRequestException;
public ByteBuffer compute(int protocolVersion) throws InvalidRequestException;
The implementation of addInput calls your state function and the implementation of compute calls your optional final function. Everything is a ByteBuffer as that is how Cassandra stores values internally.