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CPU Shares in Kubernetes

In this article we’ll explain how cpu_shares are used when setting Kubernetes requests and limits....

The JVM in Docker 2018

Threeish years ago I worked with JVMs inside Docker running in Kubernetes. I discussed some...

Functional Scala for everyone

This is the start of a set of blog posts to encourage and educate developers...

Function composition over layers

In mainstream OO you often come across a layered or hexagonal architectures with layers such...

Dealing with failures

If you haven’t read the first article in the series I suggest you do so...

You can't average percentiles

One of the first things I check when looking at a new dashboard is for...

Cassandra User Defined Aggregates

I previously posted about Cassandra UDFs. It is worth reading that post before carrying on...

Cassandra User Defined Functions

As of version 2.2 Cassandra supports user defined functions. I wrote about these a while...

Cassandra ThreadPool statistics

Cassandra uses a lot of thread pools under the covers. You can get information about...

Cassandra metrics

Cassandra exposes a lot of metrics. Lets have alook at them in a very rough...

Cassandra ColumnFamily metrics

Last time we looked at Cassandra’s ClientRequest metrics. However they only take you so far...

Cassandra ClientRequest metrics

Cassandra records a set of ClientRequest metrics that record min, max, mean as well as...

Essential shell tools

I spent far too much of my life on a computer using the default terminal...

Unit testing Kafka applications

I recently started working with Kafka. The first thing I do when start with a...

Using Hystrix with Dropwizard

I've previously blogged about Hystrix/Tenacity and Breakerbox. The full code and outline of the example...

Installing Cassandra 2.0 on Ubuntu

Update your apt source list with the following:sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list #Add at the bottomdeb

Using Cassandra on Mac OSX

I posted some time ago about installing Cassandra on Mac OSX. Admittedly I generally use...

Gradle, Groovy and Java

I've been moving my projects from Maven to Gradle and it has given me my...

I don't fix bugs any more

One part of being a software engineer that I used to enjoy was the satisfaction...

Cassandra vs MongoDB: Replication

What is replication?Most databases offer some way to recover data in the event of hardware...

Cassandra vs MongoDB: The basics

Cassandra and MongoDB are two of the more popular NoSQL databases. I've been using Cassandra...

Installing Cassandra on Mac OS X

I've recently posted some more tips on using Cassandra on Mac OSX: Cassandra on Mac If...

Getting started with Clojure

The LJC book club is moving on to the book Functional Programming for the Object...

From Spring to Guice

For the past two and a half years I have worked primarily on standalone Java...

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