Apache Cassandra

Cassandra User Defined Aggregates

I previously posted about Cassandra UDFs. It is worth reading that post before carrying on...

Cassandra User Defined Functions

As of version 2.2 Cassandra supports user defined functions. I wrote about these a while...

Cassandra ThreadPool statistics

Cassandra uses a lot of thread pools under the covers. You can get information about...

Cassandra metrics

Cassandra exposes a lot of metrics. Lets have alook at them in a very rough...

Cassandra ColumnFamily metrics

Last time we looked at Cassandra’s ClientRequest metrics. However they only take you so far...

Cassandra ClientRequest metrics

Cassandra records a set of ClientRequest metrics that record min, max, mean as well as...

Installing Cassandra 2.0 on Ubuntu

Update your apt source list with the following:sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list #Add at the bottomdeb http://www.apache.org/dist/cassandra/debian...

Using Cassandra on Mac OSX

I posted some time ago about installing Cassandra on Mac OSX. Admittedly I generally use...

Cassandra vs MongoDB: Replication

What is replication?Most databases offer some way to recover data in the event of hardware...

Cassandra vs MongoDB: The basics

Cassandra and MongoDB are two of the more popular NoSQL databases. I've been using Cassandra...

Installing Cassandra on Mac OS X

I've recently posted some more tips on using Cassandra on Mac OSX: Cassandra on Mac If...